Six Techniques for Installing Good Habits

We are pre-programmed/conditioned humans, mostly operating from subconscious modes of habits. Habits are the most integral parts of our lives. They govern us, mould us, make us, and also break us. Whatever you are right now is because of the choices that you have made, and these choices were made due to habits that you have developed in your formative years than from thinking consciously. As your habits play a pivotal role in your life, you are bound to give some attention to this aspect of your brain operating system. It is very much crucial to delete the bad habits as well as to install the good habits. Good habits are backbones for personal development. They pave the way of a better life with excellent experiences that you long for. Once the desired actions turn into auto-mode, you are on your way to live with peace and happiness. The followings are some ways to install good habits:

1] Set Yourself up to Succeed

Every new student in school or college needs some support. Every new employee in the organization needs support. Every new habit also needs some support from the host so that it can stay permanently. If the host is receptive, the habit loves to be the part of that family. Help yourself to support the habits that you want to form. e.g. You want to reduce weight, you may book the gym membership. You want to write a daily diary, you may put the diary near the bed so that it reminds you to write in it before sleeping. Point is simple, support your habits to stay in you. Once the 90 days are over, they become automatic but till then you need to be supportive to your habits.


2] Think Addition, Not Subtraction

Your self-control works better for adding rather than deleting. The mind loves to focus on adding the elements. e.g. Think that you are not deleting junk food, you are adding healthy snacks. You are not deleting TV, you are adding learning time for success. You are not deleting your bad/angry/nasty behaviours, you are adding freedom from guilt, expense, and criticism. You are adding alertness, confidence, and focus back to life.

NOW think that which things can be added in so that we can make our life better.


3] Apply Public Display Accountability

If you want to cement your newly formed habits, get the public (your family, your friends, society, social media, etc) to watch you. When you want to develop public speaking skills, if you tell your friends and society on social media, you are forced to do something about it. If you want to add the nutritious diet to your life, your family can be a boon- if they are informed with your intention. Shout aloud to friends, family, and society through any media of your choice that you are born to win and you are changing. It will surely help you to keep yourself on track.


4] Find a Success Buddy

There are very few things that are as effective as two motivated persons join their hands and move forward. We need someone who holds you accountable while you are cementing or solidifying the new habits and you do the same for him/her. In other words, find out a pick-performance partner with whom you march forward hand-in-hand and also make each other realize when one of them gets diverted from the route.


5] Healthy Competitions

We love competitions. Start healthy competitions among friends, family, colleagues, team-mate, and people who spend their most of time together. Learn how to inject fun-filled rivalry and competitive spirit into a new habit. To maintain a healthy body, to gain vocabulary, to live minimalistic way, to complete the project, book, even small event like typing, if the healthy competitive spirit is filled in these actions/habits, they will surely be fun as well as lasting.


6] Celebrate!

Promise yourself a big nice ____ (gift/treat/experience) at the end of the milestone, you have fixed for yourself. The celebration is important as it boosts us to give further.


With these six techniques, you can install the habits with lasting effects.

I wish that this write up can help you in your life and make you better.

Read, Reflect, and ACT!




  1. Congratulations for good article. Very Interesting will be Follow and get benefits in our life. We are adding Some more in this list.

  2. Great.....Good effort..... Congrats..Interesting..Keep it up.


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